The musical master VLADIMIR MOSSEYCHUK
Balalaikas, domras, guitars,
Orchestral variants of balalaikas and domras



Each tool made by Vladimir Mosejchukom (Novosibirsk), is individual, unique and made only for you.

Cost of one tool 450 Euro (a guitar - 600 Euro), at the order of two and more tools - the discount of 10 %.
Cost of delivery is paid separately.
At absence of the ready tool available term of manufacturing 1 - 2 months.


To send the application


Yuriy Ivanets  balalaika-player, teacher, conductor, researcher
Ensemble "Sibirian balalaikas"
BALALAIKA: a short history
Project for publication
Russian version

Высокое качество на тарифы на грузовые авиаперевозки . Магазины в ряде районов Москвы! обувь дисконт мастер на дом dedicated server 3647
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